Week 8 Reading and Writing

So far I've enjoyed the reading assignments, but I feel like it takes me much longer to finish them than necessary. I don't know why it takes me so much longer than an hour each for the reading assignments, but it makes it more difficult for me to stay on schedule. I've found that for the PDE versions of the epics listening to the audiobook helps me keep moving along while still understanding what I read, but there are still some sections that I need to read/listen to more than once to get what's going on. As for the notes, I've found the most helpful notes have been plot summaries because it gives me something to reference without looking at the source when I start my writing. After a plot summary I have been adding research on interesting cultural aspects from the story that I might want to work into my storytelling. I'm actually very happy with the state of my portfolio right now. I like the two stories included so far and that they are told in different ways. One is told in the third person and one is told in first person for example. My biggest accomplishment is getting better about just putting some words on the page. I tend to let myself get paralyzed when I can't think of the perfect way to say something. Instead of just putting something down and coming back to it with fresh eyes later, I'll sit agonizing over a single phrase without making any progress. I've gotten better at making myself put something down and move on this semester, and I'm still trying to improve even more.

I love this picture because of the contrast between the hazy white/grey background and the striking cranes.

Going forward I'd like to explore more creative interpretations of the readings in my writings. I've been most successful in retelling the story in a similar way and adding context, but I'd like to push myself to think outside the box and come up with more original story ideas.

Image: Grey Crowned Crane Africa Canes Bird Tanzania, Max Pixel


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