Hi I'm Ryan and this is my Introduction

Hi I’m Ryan, and I’m a computer science major. I guess you could say I’m in school to prepare for my second career. My first career was as a ballet dancer, and it was my dream job. I wanted to dance before I could walk, so about as soon as I could talk I started trying to convince my parents to sign me up for dance lessons. They finally agreed when I was eight years old, and after that I never stopped taking classes until I gave my last performance as a professional ballet dancer nearly two and a half years ago. Dance and ballet in particular has been one of the most important forces that has shaped my life, so I decided to share some of the story of my career in ballet.

Image Source: pxhere

From when I started taking ballet class at eight through middle school, I took class for fun and didn’t take it very seriously or consider pursuing professional career in dance until I started high school. In high school I started to have class and rehearsal six days a week, and the level of dedication required increased significantly compared to what I had been doing before. It was during this time that I realized how much I loved ballet and started to consider the possibility of being a professional dancer. When I graduated high school I had to decide if I wanted to go to college or if I wanted to go to the San Francisco Ballet School. I chose to go to San Francisco and ended up staying there for two years before getting a traineeship, an transitional position between student and professional, at Ballet Austin in Texas. The three years I spent in San Francisco and Austin were like the equivalent of being in college for a ballet dancer. The experiences I had and the people I met during this time were so incredible I would never trade them for anything, and the training I received during this period allowed me to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer. While I was at Ballet Austin I was offered a job at Oklahoma City Ballet which is how I found my way here to Oklahoma. During the four seasons I spent at Oklahoma City Ballet I got to perform some of my favorite ballets for thousands of people like I had wanted to my entire life.

Even though ballet was my dream job I also knew I didn’t want to live the rest of my life paycheck to paycheck on an annual contract that might not be renewed at any time. So, when at twenty-five years old I was faced with the choice of finding a job with another company or going to college to start a new career I chose to start the next chapter of my life. Today two and a half years into my new chapter I miss ballet but am confident I made the right choice.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Ryan! It is wonderful hope you followed your dream and passion of ballet across the country, that takes a lot of drive and dedication, especially since you were practicing so frequently! Wow! I just went to OKC Ballet's Nutcracker this winter break. Me and my mom go to it every year, they are so talented! Best of luck to you!

  2. Hey Ryan! It is so cool how you pursued your dream of ballet! I still haven't found what I am that passionate about. I hope you find as much joy in your new degree. Although it is not ballet, it is possible to find something fulfilling in anything that you do in life, and computer science is very useful from what I hear.

  3. Wow, Ryan, what an exciting path you have followed so far! And you are the first ballet student that I have met in this class. Marvelous! That is going to give you so much insight into the dance traditions of India, which are indeed a huge part of the culture going back thousands of years, expressed in the epics, and in the gods themselves, with Shiva being the Nataraja, the Dance-Lord: Wikipedia: Nataraja. I hope this class will be a good addition to your current life adventure as a college student!

  4. Hey Ryan,

    It is really impressive that you were able to pursue your dream of ballet dancing! Also I do have to say that you made a wonderful choice for a second career. Computer Science is a wonderful degree program here at OU (despite the current under-staffing issue). I will be getting my Bachelors in CS Spring 2019, and a masters within 1 year after that if things go as planned. I'm currently enrolled in CS 5013, 5053, and CS 4323 if you happen to be in any of those. Otherwise, I be glad to help you if you need anything!

  5. Wow, Ryan! You sound so accomplished! I cannot believe that you have something like dance/ballet that you are so passionate about and have been for your entire life! I bet you have so many awesome stories and experiences from your time spent in dance. I also think that it is super wonderful that you have gotten into Computer Science. Maybe one day you will be able to work in both ComSci and Dance simultaneously!

  6. Hello Ryan!

    It is so nice to hear that you followed your passions and lived your dreams! Computer Science is a great degree and from what I have heard from my friends, it is also very successful so you shouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck. I definitely know how that feels and I am anxious to be done with school so that I can have a career and not struggle financially. I hope you keep pursuing ballet in your free time and still have performances when you get the chance!

  7. Hi Ryan,
    What an incredible story that you can share with others. I am heartbroken that you had to give something you love up, but you have no regrets. I hope that you still dance on occasions and that can now be your hobby. I hope you enjoy school here at OU. Its pretty amazing here. All the best wishes!

  8. Hi Ryan,

    It was so nice of you follow your dream of ballet dancing and coming back to school so you don't have to live on paycheck by paycheck. I couldn't follow my first dream and now I am following my second dream. It would have been hard for you to start back studying again but keep it up and you will get a nice job.

  9. Hello Ryan!

    The first thing I noticed about your introduction is the really cool image, I love it! Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. I admire how you are so dedicated to ballet. Unfortunately, I have not found something that I have been as passionate about yet. I think it was really cool that you were able to pursue your dream. I hope you are able to continue dancing during your free time. What made you decide to chose computer science? I wish you the best of luck with everything!

  10. Hi Ryan,

    Computer science sounds like a very lucrative and interesting degree! Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to in life, and I wish you the best of luck.

    I can understand, to some small degree, feeling torn between what you love to do and what will make your life smoother - I wanted so badly to pursue creative writing, and spent many years as a writing tutor at a junior college hoping for that dream to take off. However, it became clear to me that the life of a fiction writer is a paycheck to paycheck and shoddy extra job sort of life. I had to choose a slightly more lucrative path. But I'll keep writing! I hope you can keep dancing, in some way.

  11. Hi Ryan, I think its really cool that you enjoy and dedicate so much time to dance. I know the feeling of putting a lot of time into an artform as well, and I always enjoy meeting other people who do the same. It is really cool that you performed with the OKC Ballet, I bet that was really fun. Computer science is a field I was unable to perform well in, and I applaude the people who can do those sorts of things.

  12. Hi Ryan! Wow that is amazing! I respect that your a dancer! and followed your dreams. I am too uncoordinated to dance but I do enjoy watching others perform. I hope your enjoying Computer Science. I am an MIS major so I do a lot of coding but it's not as intense as your major. I'm currently taking a Computer Science class and have a lot of respect for people majoring in that. It is much harder than I thought but I enjoy the challenge. I'm glad that you're enjoying it!

  13. Wow Ryan! I am sucked in by your story! As a student in college I am often faced with the questions of what I want to do with the rest of my life and what will make me the most money and it is really cool that you shared you input on life. I am really excited to get to know more about your and read your stories!

  14. Wow what a story! That is amazing that you have something that is so special to you, but what is even cooler is that you were able to discern when it was time to move forward. I am a fine arts major so, I totally understand the sacrifices that you have to make to pursue a passion. Thanks for sharing!!

  15. Nice to meet you Ryan, and wow your story is incredible. I can't even imagine the heart, soul and dedication you have as an individual. I'm sure ballet has taught you so many incredible things that you couldn't even begin to describe. I think it is absolutely amazing that you decided to follow you passion before you decided to come to OU. Thank you for sharing your story!

  16. Hi Ryan! That is so cool that you began dancing so young and that you knew you wanted to dance. Most kids were forced into lessons that they didn’t want to take and then they don’t retain anything but you had such passion starting at a young age. You sound like you’ve had an incredible journey though! Good luck with your current major in computer science!

  17. Hey there Ryan! Nice to meet you! I like how you follow your dream of ballet so later in the life you wouldn’t have regret about it for that great job because I wanted to become a Dentist but then I found out it really hard plus I am weak in science area so I follow what I am good at and that is business.


  18. Hi Ryan! Nice to meet you. Ah man I’ve always loved to dance but I’ve never felt confident enough to do it in front of anyone else. That’s so cool! What an incredible journey you’ve had already! It can be really hard to find a job that pays the bills but doesn’t kill your soul. I think you’ve chosen well, computer science is a highly applicable field. I also hope you’re still dancing, even if it isn’t professionally!

  19. Hi Ryan! Man, your story is kind of inspiring and sad! I'm glad you got to experience the dream life you wanted but also started pursuing the stability that will also make you happy. I've definitely had some moments in my life where I feel like I chose the safe way out, and wish I could have tried the more adventurous path. I hope you can still experience ballet, even if you don't perform professionally.

  20. Hey Ryan! Wow what an amazing story! That is so great that you got to spend so much time doing what you love. One of my best friends is in her second season (? I think that's the right term) as a trainee with Oklahoma City Ballet, and before that she was with Kansas City Ballet. I've seen her struggles with finding a contract but then how rewarding it is to get to do what she loves, so I can (at least a little bit) understand what you mean. I hope you are finding something you love and are fulfilled by in your second education. Good luck with everything!

  21. Hi Ryan! Thank you for sharing with us. I am amazed at your story and I enjoyed your willingness to be open and authentic with us. That's super rare in this world, so thank you! I grew up seeing the Nutcracker with my mom and we still go see it every year in OKC. I'm excited to get to know you more and learn more about your life!

  22. Hey Ryan,
    It's pretty cool that you got to live your dream for a while of being a professional dancer. I understand what you mean about not wanting to live paycheck to paycheck and it's pretty cool that you found an interest in computer science. I know there are a lot of opportunities out there for comp sci and if I was smart enough I might have gone for it too. Do you do anything involving dance here at OU? Hopefully after you finish up school and find out where you have your job at you can continue to dance in community theater. Best of luck to you in your future.

  23. Hey Ryan, I.T. is super cool to get to know you a little bit from you post here (excuse my bad pun lol). It was particularly cool and nice of you to share some stories that had to due with your love for dancing. I am not a good dancer by any means and some may even call it a crime for me to attempt any from of dance haha. Anyways thank you for your stories!

  24. Hi Ryan, it is nice to meet you! First of all, thanks for sharing your story with ballet - it was fascinating and refreshing to read! I danced ballet and pointe myself since I was four until I started college at the age of 18. Some people don't understand the literal blood, work, and sweat it takes to being a dancer, but you definitely do especially with being a professional dancer. Did you just dance ballet and pointe, or did you also dance jazz, tap, hip-hop, etc? While at OU, have you been able to join any dance studio or extracurricular organization involving dance? Since dance is your first career, what made you choose computer science as your major even though it has nothing to do with ballet? Well, it is nice to meet you Ryan and I hope you enjoy your last weeks of this semester!

  25. Hey Ryan, thank you for sharing your story with us. I can only imagine how difficult the decision to leave ballet and go to school must have been and I hope you made the right choice. Are there any ballet or dance clubs at OU that you have found? I would imagine that there might be a few, or that you could start your own if there weren't any that fit exactly what you were looking for.

  26. Hey Ryan, it is crazy to think you have already accomplished a life goal at the age of 25. I am 26 and still trying to figure out what I want to do in life. I am sure you are going to miss ballet but maybe you could still teach some classes or be in some small productions. It seems that ballet was your passion and I would hate to think that you will never be doing it again. Good luck with your classes this semester, it is almost over!!

  27. Hi Ryan! The first 25 years of your life seem very active. I don't think I have ever met a professional ballet dancer before, but from the way you have described it, it seems an awesome profession. I understand not wanting to live paycheck to paycheck though. Computer science may not be as interesting as ballet dancing, but it will definitely pay itself off quickly. Good luck finishing up your classes this semester.

  28. Hey Ryan! It's awesome that you have interests so varied. Computer Science and ballet seem like polar opposite interests for most people so it's cool that your share interest in both. It's a bummer that you can't pursue your ballet passion as a career. but it's nice you've found another interest you can have a good career in. Also I think once you graduate there will be plenty of opportunities to get into ballet again as a hobby.

  29. Hello, nice to meet you Ryan!
    I just finished up reading your introduction! I am a computer science major as well, and from what I have seen most have another talent they love to dive into whenever given the opportunity, although your talent is incredibly impressive. I know a ballerina here at OU and the amount of strength and pain she goes through is incredible. Good luck in your career!

  30. Hey there, Ryan!
    It was nice to have a chance to get to know you before class is over. I was really impressed with your life story so far. I think it is awesome that you were able to pursue and live out one of your dreams already. I definitely think you made the right choice there. Now, you do not have to live with regret as you move to a new chapter in your life.

  31. Wow! When you said that you were a computer science major, I did not expect you to be a ballet dancer. That's so cool that you have such a history with ballet! I could never be a dancer, I love music and have since I was little, but I'm about as uncoordinated as they come, so props to you for sticking with dance. Also good for you to decide to take the next step and go to college, good luck on the rest of your schooling, and never forget your true passion!

  32. Hi there, Ryan!
    What an amazing story you have! Thank you so much for sharing with us. I find it so amazing that you are so talented in two completely different subjects. I think you will go far in life as long as you keep chasing your dreams and never give up. As long as you do both of those things and put forth your best effort, you'll end up just where you belong! Best of luck!

  33. Hey, Ryan, nice to meet you even though its the end of the semester. Reading about your career as a ballet dancer was fascinating. I know a few dancers, ballet and otherwise, and I've seen how hard they train to attain what you did. Dancing is tough on a body. I think it is awesome that you decided to come to college after your ballet career. I am also a non-traditional student (that's what they call us old folks - I'm 26 and the freshman act like I need a walker) and we've gotta stick together. I hope your finals go well!

  34. Hello, Ryan!

    I am sorry for catching you here at the very end of the semester but your story is amazing! I am so glad you got to pursue your goals and live your dream! It is always cool to learn about other’s passions. I hope that school and working in computer science is as fulfilling as your ballet career! Have a wonderful summer!

  35. Hey Ryan,

    That is an amazing story you have! My girlfriend was in ballet all her life before coming to college and also performed in Austin! I can't remember if she was in Ballet Austin as well, I'll have to ask her. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time here at OU! This week has been crazy for me and I'd imagine it's the same for you. Good luck with finals!


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