My Favorite Places, San Francisco and Kristiansand

I chose two favorite places. One I chose because of the role it played in my development as a young man and the other I chose because of the priceless memories I cherish from one beautiful day spent along its shores.

San Francisco, California or more specifically the Inner Richmond district. I moved to San Francisco after high school to train at the San Francisco Ballet School, and my apartment was in the residential area known as the Inner Richmond. I loved living in this part of the city because it has a quiet, homey feel that you don't get in the busier districts. This picture is of an intersection in the Inner Richmond, not too far from where I lived, on a typical drizzly day in San Francisco. In the photo you can see the style of building common in the area that reminds me of walking home with friends after a hard day of class and rehearsals.

(Streets of San Francisco, photo by Lulu Vision)

Kristiansand, Norway was one of many stops I made on a recent trip through Scandinavia, and even though it was only a short stop this beautiful Norwegian fishing town left a huge impression on me. The weather was beautifully sunny with a subtle crispness in the air that set the stage perfectly for a relaxing day of exploring a new town. The day included walking along the waterfront, hiking through the hills, and finally visiting the fish market to pick out a snack of pickled herring that's popular with the locals. It was while sitting on the dock outside the fish market eating my snack that I took this photo. It's one of my favorites from the trip because it brings back the wonderful memories I still cherish from that day.

(Image Information: personal photo taken 
outside the Kristiansand, Norway fish market)


  1. Oh my gosh, Ryan, I know the Inner Richmond: I used to live at the corner of Stanyan and Parnassus; the N Judah was my streetcar. That was way back in the early 1980s...happy memories! And how wonderful that you have traveled through Scandinavia. I visited Sweden once and had a fabulous time!

    There's a great Asian Art Museum in San Francisco (it used to be in Golden Gate Park but that building was damaged in the 1989 earthquake and they had to move)... and you will see that I share images from their collections in the various class webpages. Here is one of their websites dedicated to the Ramayana: The Rama Epic

    And ballet school: wow! That is very cool. Maybe you will want to do a project for this class about the amazing dance traditions of India...!

  2. I loved the personal photo from Kristiansand, Norway, Ryan. It looks like a gorgeous place, so I can see why it made it into your favorite places post. I know just what you mean about crisp air- I love it too. From your description, it sounds like you had a wonderful time relaxing and trying the local cuisine. I hope I can visit both Norway and California one day!


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