Week 8 Comments and Feedback

The overall quality of the feedback I've been receiving has been pretty good, but there are a few that are more helpful than others. Those comments are the ones that present a very specific observation. I like having a clear idea of what the commenter thinks can be improved.

When I've given feedback I try to give specific suggestions since I've found comments like that the most helpful. Sometimes it is hard to find something really catches my eye like that to comment on and I revert to posting somewhat general comments about their writing. 

The blog comments work better than I was expecting based on my experience with other classes discussion boards. I think this process works better because we see more of the work that other students are putting in and read more personal stories instead of very forced interactions about a limited topic. It has been fun to find some students who's blogs I look forward to reading each week.

I think it would be better for me to do project feedback earlier in the weekend than I have been. It tends to be the assignment I put off and I don't always get around to it or get to spend the kind of time reading and processing each story needed to get the most out of the experience.

I chose this "Feedback Cat" because you can get so much out of identifying patterns in feedback you receive. Feedback patterns can not only expose distinct areas to improve in but if you look deeper I think sometimes they can guide you to the underlying cause or gap in understanding that needs to be fixed to take the next step forward.


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