Week 8 Progress

Image: That Sweet Summer Feeling by Rudy van der Veen via skitterphoto.com

As far as progress towards my grade I'm a little behind where I'd like to be but not much. I will have to do some extra credit in the next couple weeks and over spring break to get caught up. My routine has been kind of all over the place because of time consuming group projects every week in other classes, but I'm hoping now that I've gotten into a better routine in those classes they won't interfere as much with my other work. I've used the extra credit reading option, but I'm planning to explore other extra credit possibilities in the next couple weeks. I've enjoyed working on my portfolio a lot. It's been nice getting helpful feedback on my writing and working on stories I'm proud of.

For the rest of the semester I would really like to get better at doing the reading earlier in the week. Even though I like the readings, I don't read quickly and the reading assignments can get difficult to work into my schedule later in the week when more things are due.


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